Il Tirreno

2 April 2023

An article from the Florentine edition of Il Tirreno, reporting on the upcoming opening of the Museo Sant’Orsola in Florence and it’s inaugural two-person exhibition of work by Sophia Kisielewska-Dunbar and Alberto Ruce

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“Sophia Kisielewska-Dunbar è un'artista multidisciplinare che si esprime con dipinti, ricami, sculture e performance” prosegue [Morgane] Lucquet Laforgue. “Nei mesi in cui ha abitato a Firenze ha creato opere ispirate alla realtà di Sant'Orsola, studiando quella che era la vita conventuale e cosa probabilmente le suore percepivano; il risultato è un lavoro che entra in dialogo con una delle opere d’arte antica appartenute al monastero, in modo da approfondire la conoscenza e la percezione del luogo attraverso lo sguardo del contemporaneo.

Translation: Sophia Kisielewska-Dunbar is a multidisciplinary artist who expresses herself through paintings, embroidery, sculpture and performance” says [Morgane] Lucquet Laforgue. “In the months in which she lived in Florence she created works inspired by the convent of Sant'Orsola, studying what convent life was like and thinking about the experience of the nuns; the result is a work that enters into a dialogue with one of the original works of art that belonged to the monastery, in order to deepen the knowledge and perception of the place through a contemporary gaze.


Oltre Le Mura di Sant’Orsola


Finding Space