Sophia is an artist and old master drawings researcher based in south London.

She holds a First Class BA degree in Fine Art from the Art Academy, and in 2013, she graduated with an MA in History of Art from the University of Edinburgh, which included a year studying at the Università degli Studi Roma Tre in Rome.

From 2016 - 2021, Sophia worked as a researcher for Day & Faber, a London-based fine art dealer specialising in European drawings.

Since leaving university Sophia has maintained an art practice, exhibiting and selling internationally.


My practice combines painting, embroidery, soft sculpture, drawing and performance to examine issues of representation in the Western art canon, which I am regularly exposed to through my work as an Old Master drawings researcher. My two principal focuses are the representation of women in Christian and classical works from the 14th to 16th century, and the exclusion of female creative voices throughout art history. My work often seeks to highlight problems of representation within public museum collections. I use my paintings, drawings and sculptures to embody my own imagined experiences of women from different historical scenarios, to help me explore my own relationship to them.

In a recent project I explored the experiences of enclosed nuns in 16th century Florence, and the impact of the convent’s art on their psyches. How would they have been affected by the often violent representations of female martyred saints that they were exposed to? How psychologically affected have I been, as an art historian repeatedly exposed to this imagery?

In a current project, I am asking how a creative upper-middle class woman in the Regency period might have dealt with the gender-based repression of her creativity, as she watched the advantages given to her male counterparts. In parallel I ask myself:  in what ways is female creativity repressed in our society, and how has this affected my expression?

The final incarnation of a work develops from a period of rigorous study and research. The projects are conceived to dialogue with works of art in the Western canon, and to offer viewers the opportunity to consider these artworks through a contemporary feminist lens. Often I adapt or imitate the techniques and processes of my reference material in order to pose questions of them. In this way I am inspired by the feminist artists of the 70’s who adopted stitching as a technique to challenge historical notions of ‘female craft’.




Artist In Residence (3 months) for the future Museo Sant’Orsola, Firenze, Italy



Works on Paper, The Gallery at Green and Stone, group show


Vicinity: 785,500 m2 with the Space Collective, London, group show

Oltre Le Mura, Museo Sant’Orsola - Riapertura, Florence, Italy, two person show

Oltre Le Mura, Museo Sant’Orsola, Florence, Italy, two person show

Summer Show, The Art Academy, London, group show

Finding Space, Open Ealing, London, group show


Working with Bronze, The Art Academy, London, group show


One Fine Day, Fazenda, London, group show


Flying Colour Gallery, London, group show

Art Academy Drawing Prize, The Art Academy, London, group show, commendation


Ruth Borchard Self-Portrait Prize, Piano Nobile, London, group show


2022 - 2023

Trustee, The Art Academy

2016 - 2021

Old Master Drawings Researcher, Day & Faber, London

2014 - 2016

Developer and Content Curator,, London


Internship, Old Master Drawings Department, Sotheby’s London


2016 - 2023

BA (Hons) Fine Art, The Art Academy, London [First Class Honours]

2009 - 2013

MA History of Art, University of Edinburgh

2011 - 2012

History of Art, Erasmus Year, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Rome, Italy



Freedom in the convents: were the art collections of Florentine Renaissance convents used as a tool of gender-based oppression? (6,000 words), Museo Sant’Orsola Residency Project [available on request]



‘View from Florence’, The Tablet, Joanna Moorhead, 2 March 2024


‘A Firenze, il futuro ed il passato nell’ex Monastero di Sant’Orsola’, The Way Magazine, 16 September 2023

‘“Oltre le mura di Sant’Orsola” fino al 2 luglio in mostra’, Florence TV, 3 June 2023 [video, 2.08 mins in]

Riapre l'ex monastero di Sant'Orsola’, Rai, 1 June 2023 [video, 1.26 mins in]

‘Firenze, riapertura (parziale e temporanea) di Sant'Orsola’, Corriere Fiorentino, 1 June 2023

‘Cosa fare a Firenze nel weekend’, Il Reporter, 1 June 2023

‘Oltre le mura di Sant’Orsola: una mostra contemporanea’, Stamp Toscana, 1 June 2023

‘A Firenze riapre per un mese l’antico Convento di Sant’Orsola’, Il Giornale Dell’Arte, 1 June, 2023

‘Sant’Orsola: riapre l’ex monastero fiorentino’, FUL Magazine, 1 June 2023

‘Firenze, Sant’Orsola restituita ai cittadini: la rinascita con un’apertura speciale e un grande evento’, Il Tirreno, 1 June 2023

‘Dopo 40 anni Sant'Orsola apre le sue porte con un museo "effimero" di arte contemporanea’, intoscana, 31 May 2023 [video, 2.11 mins in]

‘Oltre le mura di Sant’Orsola - Il museo effimero’, Lungarno, 31 May 2023

Firenze: L’ex monastero Fiorentino di Sant’Orsola a riapre per un mese come ‘Museum effimero’ a ingresso libero’, Firenze Post, 31 May 2023

‘A Firenze riapre dopo decenni il complesso di Sant’Orsola’, Artribune, 31 May 2023

‘The future Sant’Orsola museum: a preview’, The Florentine, 30 May 2023

‘Zona Elle: l’arte, il cibo, la city, te la spiego’, Elle Italia, 25 May 2023

‘Firenze, apre al pubblico il futuro Museo Sant’Orsola nell’ex convento chiuso da quarant’anni’, Finestre sull’arte, 17 May 2023

‘Firenze, Sant’Orsola riapre le porte dopo 40 anni: ingresso libero e visite guidate’, 055 Firenze, 17 May 2023

‘Sant’Orsola, l’ex monastero Fiorentino apre per un mese come “Museo Effimero”’, Arte Magazine, 17 May 2023

‘Per un mese ingresso libero e visite guidate all’ex monastero di Sant’Orsola’, Firenze Today, 16 May 2023

‘Firenze, l’ex monastero di Sant’Orsola riapre al pubblico dopo 40 anni’, La Nazione, 16 May 2023

‘Oltre le mura di Sant’Orsola, convento di Firenze aperto un mese’,, 16 May 2023

‘Sant’Orsola: l’antico convento accessibile al pubblico per un mese’, Nove da Firenze, 16 May 2023

‘Oltre le mura di Sant’Orsola, convento di Firenze aperto un mese’, Libero, 16 May 2023

‘Arte. L’ex monastero di Sant’Orsola chiuso per 40 anni, riapre al pubblico con un “museo effimero” dentro il cantiere’, Impress, 16 May 2023

‘Un museo effimero e una mostra (da 1° giugno al 2 luglio) aspettando di andare “Oltre le mura di Sant’Orsola”’, Toscana Eventi News, 16 May 2023

‘Oltre le mura di Sant’Orsola: per un mese l’ex monastero fiorentino diventa “museo effimero”’, Arte.go, 16 May 2023

a-n Degree Shows Guide 2023, p. 30, 11 May 2023

‘Mostre, concerti e spettacoli Sant’Orsola, il cantiere-museo’, Il Tirreno, 2 April 2023